Best Morning Self-Care Habits For Any Successful Woman

6 min readFeb 24, 2022

Successful and ambitious women share many tiny, everyday morning habits. Are there any secret rituals or health habits that make a huge difference?

As we all want to have good habits, any period is the right time to make changes and see what self-care habits are behind any successful woman. So here is some inspiration to change your morning self-care habits and start each day with a big smile.

Women are unique and have their particular ways of doing things. Conquering the mornings is essential versus pressing the snooze button at least ten times before dragging ourselves out of our beds.

Of course, each of us has different needs, and it is essential to find the self-care habits that work for you. Still, there seems to be an evident pattern of morning routines that successful women seem to have together.

If you are curious to find them out, keep reading and see which you think can make a difference for yourself.

#1 Keep an exact wakeup time

There has been a lot of buzz regarding sleep and how we should approach it. The trend is to wake up early to have enough time to work out, care for kids, and start planning for the day ahead. This means you can check off the important stuff from your list, so you don’t get agitated that something is not done.

#2 Practice visualization

Think about all the people and dynamics that you will go through the day. Then, if you plan to respond to specific patterns, you will be able to switch quickly from reactive to proactive.

Visualization can be done whenever you feel like doing it. For example, you might do it when you brush your teeth or when you are already on your way to the gym. Imagine how the day is going to unfold and after one week of doing this, see how things will go.

#3 Go for the most challenging task on your to-do list

Mornings are usually the time when we can think most clearly. Having the time to go for that critical task before the others can give us a considerable boost.

We need to take advantage of the quiet hours that each morning brings. It’s also that time when we don’t get interrupted, so we can also be time-efficient.

#4 Have a healthy breakfast

There are many options to play with here. Ideally, our breakfast should be a mix of protein, fat and healthy carbs. The smoothie option is quite reliable as it is easy and delicious to get a lot of nutrients into a single glass.

You can also explore the idea of going with a meal plan that matches your expected results in the long term. If you want to gain or lose weight, for sure, there are plenty of options that you can work with.

If this doesn’t sound like something you would enjoy, then for sure, you can go for a more “classic” approach and enjoy simple cooked recipes.

#5 Have an emotional connection

Whether you have a “romantic” breakfast with your partner or a pillow fight with the kids, connecting with someone you love is a great way to remind us what is essential.

Even a few minutes and talking about what is going on in your lives can make a difference. Next morning when you wake up not feeling that great, look at your family and the positive things surrounding you. Suddenly your morning will not feel that bad after all.

#6 Be mindful

A mindfulness practice also needs to be included on our list. Any successful woman knows how important it is to be aware and present in her life.

There are also many apps today that can help you with this routine. The cool part about it is that you can do it in the morning no matter if you find yourself at home or maybe in a different travel destination.

As you start practicing, it will also get more manageable for you to tap into this mood and set the frame of your upcoming day.

You can do this by having a meditation practice or by just having different breathing exercises that you keep daily. This habit is probably the one that will bring the fastest positive results after you start doing it.

#7 Earlier helps

Some extra sleep doesn’t necessarily mean quality sleep. The way we wake up will set the pace for the rest of our day. If we get up early enough to start our day, we are not going to feel rushed into doing many things simultaneously. This is why you will hear that many successful women aim to wake up between 6–7 AM and some even earlier.

Even an extra half an hour is going to give you the spare time that you need to stretch, meditate, cook and even go for a run so you can start your day with a sense of calm and peace. On top of that, you will also be able to show up wherever you are needed on time, feeling energized and ready to go.

#8 Don’t forget to exercise

For sure, this is one of the most debated routines that has a lot of coverage in the media. But, the truth is that doing sports helps. If you choose to exercise in the morning, you will start feeling good in your skin, and you will get some extra energy juice that is so needed.

You have many options here, from running around the block to playing tennis or swimming. This depends on what you prefer to do, and try not to find excuses. You can even open youtube and do a small training at your home. There are plenty of resources now, especially since many of them have been developed during the recent pandemic that we all felt.

#9 Set your daily goals and prepare one day ahead

Many of us treat our calendar like it is our enemy. In truth, it helps us stay organized and keep track of what tasks we have ahead.

Clarify what is needed to do during the day after writing those responsibilities down in a journal or on a note from your phone. After that, you can create a detailed list that has set breaks for all the stuff that you will be doing.

It also helps if you can make a list of what you are expecting from the following day in the evening before. Choose what you are going to wear, choose what you are going to eat, and so on.

The idea here is that even small decisions like this are going to take out energy from you before even starting the day. You might even want to cook in advance, so you don’t have to worry about that the following day, for example. Eliminate the minor stressors by trying out this idea and see how it can help.

#10 Make the bed

Plenty of successful women start their day by making their bed every single morning, no matter how challenging the upcoming day seems to be.

This little task will give you the needed momentum to start your day. You will feel that you can take on whatever the day will throw towards you. Besides that, you also have one good habit that you already check, and this will start a domino effect that will bring good vibes to your court.

These are some of the best morning self-care habits for any successful woman who will make changes in her life. They might sound challenging, but with patience and persistence from your side, nothing is impossible. See which ones work for you and enjoy the process of adopting them.




Age Reversal Expert and Epigenetic Specialist helping high achieving women reverse their biological age by a decade.